
  1. Apr 30, 2020
  2. 1 Days
  3. 3 📝 6 months ago
💀 Fail

#27: Regrow Spinach From Kitchen Cutting

  1. 🌱 Spinach

Today I have some Spinach with roots. Cut 2 inches above the roots and keep them in water container.

I realize the leaves rot easily when wet, so I make sure the water only touch the roots.

  1. Apr 28, 2020
  2. 2 Days
  3. 19 📝 3 months ago
💀 Fail

#26: Regrow Potato From Kitchen

  1. 🌱 Potato

One of the potato in kitchen sprouted. I clean it with water and let it dry.

  1. Apr 28, 2020
  2. 1 Days
  3. 4 📝 6 months ago
💀 Fail

#25: Regrow Pak Choy From Kitchen Cutting

  1. 🌱 Pak Choy

Cut 1 inch off the base, dip the base into 0.5 to 1cm of water. Keep it indoor near a window.

  1. Apr 28, 2020
  2. 1 Days
  3. 14 📝 4 months ago
🌼 Success

#24: Regrow Garlic From Kitchen Bulb

  1. 🌱 Garlic

Regrow Garlic for greens.

Select a good sized and healthy looking garlic.
Select a good sized and healthy looking garlic.
Remove the outer layer.

Batch #002 shows that clove grow faster if you remove all the skin and expose the white flesh.
Remove the outer layer. Batch #002 shows that clove grow faster if you remove all the skin and expose the white flesh.
Don't use the tiny cloves in the center, as they have low yield.
  1. Apr 27, 2020
  2. 1 Days
  3. 1 📝 5 months ago
💀 Fail

#23: Grow Cos Lettuce From Seed

  1. 🌱 Cos Lettuce
I use seeds bought from Baba
I use seeds bought from Baba
The seeds are small and lightweight.
The seeds are small and lightweight.
Prepare some seedlings cup or tray.
Prepare some seedlings cup or tray.
I use Baba Seedling Mix.
  1. Apr 26, 2020
  2. Day 195
  3. 20 📝 2 months ago
🍅 Batch

#22: Grow Red Onion From Kitchen

  1. 🌱 Red Onion

The is only one red onion left in the kitchen, and it is a twin onion. The onion doesn't look fresh, so I have my doubt.

I saw a cool DIY video make use of a plastic bottle to grow red onion in water.

I put it indoor next to a window.

  1. Apr 25, 2020
  2. 2 Days
  3. 5 📝 6 months ago
💀 Fail

#21: Regrow Big Onion From Kitchen Cutting

  1. 🌱 Big Onion

Cut one inch from the bottom, peel off the brown skin.

In #13, I dry it overnight, but the onion looks dry by now and didn't grow roots or sprout. I decide to dip it into water without drying this time.

Suspend the onion on a water container, where the bottom 1cm is dipped in water.

I put it near the balcony door, shady with no direct sunlight.

  1. Apr 24, 2020
  2. 2 Days
  3. 3 📝 6 months ago
💀 Fail

#20: Regrow Pak Choy From Kitchen Cutting

  1. 🌱 Pak Choy

Cut one inch from the root part, I let it dry overnight.

  1. Apr 23, 2020
  2. 2 Days
  3. 30 📝 3 months ago
🌼 Success

#19: Grow Pak Choy From Seed

  1. 🌱 Curly Dwarf Pak Choy
Curly Dwarf Pak Choy seed from Baba
Curly Dwarf Pak Choy seed from Baba
The seed is round, black and really tiny.
The seed is round, black and really tiny.
I use Baba seedling mix as soil.
I use Baba seedling mix as soil.
Baba seedling mix.
  1. Apr 23, 2020
  2. Day 198
  3. 12 📝 3 months ago
🍅 Batch

#18: Grow Avocado From Kitchen Seed (with Skin)

  1. 🌱 Australia Avocado

The last time I tried growing avocado by peeling off the seed's brown skin, this time I decide to leave it on.

Wash the seed, stick 3 toothpicks on 3 sides of the seed, suspend it on a water container with water covering half the seed.

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