Change water daily.
The pandan has not been growing well since the transplant, and also the pot only has half a pot of soil.
I decide to repot it today, adding a full pot of garden soil, plus a bit of Baba Vegimix.
The small plant seems to have grown some new roots, and probably no new roots for the bigger plant.
Biodynamic tomatoes from Terra Organic Farm.
The onion is drying out with no sign of new roots or sprouts.
I decide to experiment with dipping the onion in water (let it float) without any assisted suspension.
Accidentally cut the onion bottom too thin, should be an inch.
The last 2 attempts trying to grow big onions didn't yield any good result (drying up), so I decide to dip it water without suspension. The onion actually floats on water level.
I change the water after an hour, after which I will change it daily.
The roots has gone soft, so I hesitate to save it. The plant is probably killed by the water, so growing Spinach in water is a bad idea.
The plant continues to rot, though the main stem is still strong. I decide to save it by transplanting to soil (hopefully not too late yet).