1. Jun 10, 2020
  2. 7:14:00 PM

Day 33 of #38: Grow Brinjal From Seed

This seedlings need to be watered twice a day, probably time to repot them.

Lush green, slightly crowded.
Lush green, slightly crowded.
Soil 1: Baba Vegimix with organic fertilizer, larvie frass and egg shell.

Soil 2: Baba Green Mary with Coco Peat, Perlite, Organic Fertilizer, Larvie Frass and Egg Shell.
Soil 1: Baba Vegimix with organic fertilizer, larvie frass and egg shell. Soil 2: Baba Green Mary with Coco Peat, Perlite, Organic Fertilizer, Larvie Frass and Egg Shell.
Root bounded.
Root bounded.
The roots of both plant all tangled up, very hard to separate them.
The roots of both plant all tangled up, very hard to separate them.
Probably hurt the root quite a fair bit in order to separate them.
Probably hurt the root quite a fair bit in order to separate them.
Water the plant after planting. Keep in shades for a few days.
Water the plant after planting. Keep in shades for a few days.
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