1. Jun 1, 2020
  2. 7:09:00 PM

Day 24 of #38: Grow Brinjal From Seed

Seedlings in Baba Vegimix and Gafri Gardener is much smaller than the seedlings planted with Baba Seedling Mix. Will repot the small seedlings to see if they would grow bigger.

Tiny leaves at Day 24.
Tiny leaves at Day 24.
Large leaves at Day 24.
Large leaves at Day 24.
Soil 1: Baba Seedling Mix
Soil 1: Baba Seedling Mix
Soil 2: BLS Seedling Soil
Soil 2: BLS Seedling Soil
The roots look healthy.
The roots look healthy.
Soil 3: Mix existing soil with coco peat, perlite, black soil and coffee grounds.
Soil 3: Mix existing soil with coco peat, perlite, black soil and coffee grounds.
One seedling per pot.
One seedling per pot.
Water them and keep indoor next to window.
Water them and keep indoor next to window.
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