Looks healthy.

Seems to be growing well.

The pandan is definitely not doing well.

The garlic planted in soil sprouted as well. This clove is with skin.

The indoor seed sprouted first, but it looks really thin and tall (which might not be good).
The indoor seed sprouted first, but it looks really thin and tall (which might not be good).
The pots outside seems to sprouted as well.
The pots outside seems to sprouted as well.

Sprouting well.

The side leaf stems are falling off, feels like it won't survive long in water, and would probably not grow roots in water.

The body is still firm, so I will transplant it to soil.

Drying well.

  1. May 5, 2020
  2. Day 13

Update for #19: Grow Pak Choy From Seed

Looks like this batch is not going to make it.

The top leaves are goner. Will check after a few days if the stem grow roots or rotted.

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