1. Jun 30, 2020
  2. 12:14:00 AM

Build Gnat Trap

I tried 3 variety of ingredients for Gnat trap

  • Combo 1: Home-made enzyme, Brown Sugar and Liquid Dish Soap
  • Combo 2: Brown Sugar, Fruit (Promogrenade) Skin and Liquid Dish Soap
  • Combo 3: White Vinigar, Brown Sugar and Liquid Dish Soap

I prepare the liquid combo in a glass, wrap the top with a plastic and poke holes in the plastic. Theoritically, the liquid combo will attract the Gnats, and the plastic with holes will trap them within. The liquid dish soap is supposed to reduce water surface tension and trap the Gnats in water.

  1. Jul 3, 2020
  2. 6:25:00 PM

Sadly, non of the traps work in my balcony garden. Not a single gnat trapped, and they are not seen lingering around the liquid. The gnats prefer to linger around the soil, which has more organic matter.

  1. Jul 10, 2020
  2. 10:01:00 AM

The trap works if you put it on a shallow and wide surface containers, where it could trap a few gnats per day.

The yellow sticky paper works better by trapping up to 100 per day.

Made with Nanako Diary App